Does Age Really Matter To Become An Esports Player?

Esport gamers

Esports has been around since time immemorial and is one industry that is prevalent in countries across the globe. Although it has been prevalent for years, one striking difference between eSports in preceding generations and eSports in the contemporary world is that now, eSports have finally received due importance. Esports has emerged to become a viable career option, allowing professional eSports players to compete in tournaments to win prize money, strike sponsorship deals, and improve their talents. 

The age aspect in eSports frequently comes up in discussions. We have witnessed most professional eSports players retire at an early age, barring a few. Many of us find it strange to see seasoned professional gamers given the relative youth of the esports business. We are so accustomed to seeing young adults, teens, and occasionally even children perform on the competitive stage, which may be related to the perception of video games as a pastime for youngsters. The younger generation undoubtedly leads the video game industry. So does age really matter to becoming an eSports player? Let’s find out.

Younger players have better reflexes and reaction-time

The argument of most that back the notion that eSports is meant for younger players is that younger players possess better reaction times. This is known to deteriorate as players age. Although there are a few players still playing at an old age, we can clearly see a stark difference in their gameplay when they were younger and when they are older.

Older players have more experience

Practice make perfect, and while this holds true for almost all sports, in eSports in particular, the more the player knows the in and out of the game, the better he will be able to perform. An older player generally has a better understanding of the game and will have gone through a lot more scenarios that in-game that he will know how to deal with.

Physical abilities

When athletes get older in conventional sports, their performance generally declines. The athletes’ physical ability often diminishes as they get older, but in esports, the physical component isn’t very significant. However, it is also important to note that like in traditional sports, in eSports too, there have been several instances where players are out with injuries. While it may not be evident per se, practicing eSports for hours together can take a toll on the body. This can also affect players’ performance, forcing them to retire at an early age.

Motivation and drive

One of the primary reasons cited by eSports players when asked about why they retire early, is that they lack the motivation that they had towards eSports when they were younger. Players state that when they are younger, they tend to have more passion. As they grow up, marriage, family, children, and other pursuits come into the picture. This is also another reason why they come out of the eSports scene early.

In conclusion, age can never be a hindrance in eSports if the player puts their mind to it. Many players are living examples of this. Young, or old, eSports is an industry that opens its arms to everyone alike. However, it all depends on the mindset of the players and what they are seeking in their careers. 

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