Top 10 Useful Fortnite Tips Before Your First Battle


Fortnite has become one of the most loved and widely-popular games across the globe. The game has drawn a humongous fan base which is ever-increasing.

If you are looking to get into the game, but are confused about how to begin, here are 10 important tips for you to know before you start playing the Fortnite game.

1. Ensure that your system meets the requirements

Although Fortnite is accessible on many different platforms, if you want to play on all of your devices, you need to make sure they all fulfill the basic requirements. 

Look through the specifications thoroughly to ensure that your device is compatible.

2. Take your time getting off the Battle Bus.

As soon as you can drop from the Battle Bus into the map below, the horn will start to blow, but do not join the group of players who immediately jump from it. 

Wait to jump out until there are around 3 seconds left before the Battle Bus reaches the end of its flight path. 

There won’t be many other players to contend with for landing sites, which lowers the likelihood of being shot right in the beginning.

3. Pick up ARs or SMGs

When you’re learning how to play Fortnite, ensure to pick up assault rifles or SMGs. 

Sniper rifles are worthless in close-quarters combat, so even though you should have one on hand, avoid using it until absolutely necessary. 

When learning how to play Fortnite, keep in mind that you should prioritise your shotgun when you’re shooting in close quarters.

4. Before starting to heal, build cover

Always build walls before you begin to heal. You cannot move, shoot, or do much of anything other than twist the camera while shield potions are being used or while you are healing. 

You are thus at risk, and those barriers will prevent any gunshots from striking your face. 

5. Remain on high-ground

You want to be as high as you can when you find yourself in a shootout. Make sure you are higher than your opponent by constructing ramps into the air or by constantly jumping.

6. Harvest materials while running

In a battle, the person with the greatest aim will often prevail, but building is crucial to provide oneself the biggest edge possible. 

Resources for this can be acquired only by harvesting. The most prevalent material is wood, which may be used to demolish everything from chairs to trees and plants. Gather them as you run from one place to another.

7. Keep an eye on the Storm

Fortnite is governed by an ever-shrinking play area. In Fortnite, you must stay within the storm’s eye to avoid taking continual damage while in the danger zone.

This keeps decreasing in size. Ensure that you are always within it.

8. Gather resources as soon as you land

You will need resources first and foremost. The building materials you may collect include wood, stone, and metal, and you can find them in almost every structure or object. 

You’ll naturally accumulate some along the road, but to get you through the game, it is better to gather a good quantity when you first land.

9. Support items

It is simple to dismiss the majority of non-healing items as unneeded in a battle royale situation. However, some like the shield potions must always be kept handy.

10.  Run in a zig-zag pattern

You may sometimes be forced to emerge from cover and run towards the circle. Running straight will make it simpler for snipers, so avoid doing so. 

Continue to change your course, even just a little bit, and jump a lot. A sniper will find it more difficult to aim their weapon in your general direction as a result.

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